
Good Riddance hören auf!

Good Riddance haben bekannt gegeben, dass es nach fast 20 Jahren im Punkrock-Biz nun zu Ende geht. Hier das Statement der Band zu ihrer Entscheidung sich aufzulösen:

"All of the members of Good Riddance have become increasingly busy with other life interests (work, family, etc.) which has made it difficult for us to tour with the same frequency we (and our fans) have grown accustomed to. It has also become evident that the musical landscape has continued to change and the material we play has been, to some degree, left behind. We understand that we still have some of the most loyal and dedicated fans in the world and without all of you none of this would have been possible. However, we have seen bands burn out and we have seen bands slowly decline. It is our ultimate goal to be able to walk away from this with a degree of grace and dignity and be able to look back on our modest career with nothing but fond memories. We have no desire to limp along until some outside force has the good sense to put us out of our misery. We hope all of our fans will understand." 

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