
Joey Cape will Akustikalbum veröffentlichen

Das Arbeitstier Joey Cape bekommt wohl nicht genug. Neben seinen ganzen Bands und Projekten nimmt er derzeit ein Akustikalbum auf, das im April 2008 via Bad Taste Records erscheinen soll. Passend dazu soll es eine Europa-Tour geben. Hier das komplette Statement von Joey Cape...

"Recently I decided to make a new acoustic album for the Swedish label Bad Taste Records. I have thought about this a lot and I realized I'm still attracted to the idea of a record with packaging, something people can hold in their hands. The days of these sort of releases are clearly nearing an end, so I just want to have one full-length acoustic release on my list of achievements. Because of this, I will not be posting everything I record for download. Out of respect for Bad Taste Records I will have to hold on to the recordings, although I can still post other stuff for download, hopefully of some interest to those who visit the site, . The album is tentatively set for release in April 2008. I am planning to support the release with a series of acoustic tours beginning in Europe in April. I have to admit, I am terrified, but it is something I have always wanted to do."

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